Contact Us
We recently discovered that the messages sent through our Contact Form have not been being delivered to our inbox since August 2023. We have heard from many customers who were frustrated because they sent a message and never heard back from us. This is because we never received their message. We completely understand your frustration, and while Shopify has fixed the issue with our Contact Form, we have not been able to retrieve the hundreds or thousands of messages that we never received from our customers through our website since August 2023. If you have sent us a message through our Contact Form any time between last August and today, please reach out again either through email or the contact form below. We are eager to hear from you and will respond as quickly as possible!
Have a custom order request or need to ask a question? We're always happy to hear from our customers! Send us an email and we'll reply as rapidly as possible.
*** We receive a large volume of email communication, so while we are sometimes able to respond to inquiries right away, please allow up to 2-3 business days for a response to non-urgent requests. Since we operate this business right from our home you may receive a response at any time day or night, but our official business hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm EST. ***
Email us at:
Polder's Old World Market | Old World Kitchen is a family owned and operated cottage industry. Our family personally reviews, creates, packs and ships each order right from our farm! Since we work from our happily hectic and busy home we don't offer a phone number as a way to contact us, but each email comes straight to us and we do our best to answer quickly and efficiently. Excellent customer service is our top priority.
Physical location of Polder's Old World Market | Old World Kitchen: Duffield, Virginia, USA
Looking forward to hearing from you!